Welcome,to a page of my lifefashion “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill |
orD P@raDeSaturday, February 25, 2006![]() after 2 years of fighting, trekking n all tht soldiering...it is finalli comin to an end as i completed my ORd parade yest... i myself have attended 2 such parades before, sendin off my seniors as they step into the civilian society again.for both parades i tot it wld reali be exhilarating if i were part of it... aS we waited for the actual parade to start, sure there was lotsa anticipation esp when we c our family n friends start pouring in. Don in No1 attire, all of us looked esp smart tht day. during the speech, the handing over, n seeing all our past comanders coming back to see us was heart warming and saddening. every sec of it made me tot of all the sufferings we use to have, all the exercise we completed n of curz atec missions tht we triumph. well mayb it wasnt so much abt being sad but really wanting to keep all those memories n experiences as close with me as possible. iTS amazing really how ppl frm diff schs,backgrd, religion who hardly knew each other can do all tht together for 2 full years...as much as we've had our fair share of fights n squabbles we also have many wonderful moments. so the whole event ended with our parents taking photos with us n watching video clips of our traing,as we bid each other gdbye i realise there wasnt much sadness probably because we noe we still be very much connected. Eagles all belong to the same SKY!! 11:40 AMprofileName:Eugene Lee Age:25 Sex:Male Hobbies:Soccer/Basketball/Singing/Travelling style
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