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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Monday, May 01, 2006

went to HwA cHOng to play soccer on sat..though i wasnt frm HC( not anywhere near @ all) but goin back to a school, hearing the band members play(somehow its always the band u hear when u go to any sch on sats) and seeing all the ppl clad in uniform; made me nostalgic abt schooling days!!haha..guess we are really turning into like mike said!!

well it was a great day for soccer among us, other than Detz early and unfortunate departure. somehow he's always so d*mn proned to injury!! i decided that i shall not play upfront at all tht day becoz from experience i cant really keep after playing forward!...mike was gd at defence with detz, ryan was hot up front and javin was everywhere...we played pretty well i must say. of corz i took lotsa effort in saving all the balls that came my way, and i must say that i am pretty satisfied with my performance!..haha, somehow i just love saving balls and seeing the opponents grab their head in desperation.....oh, and the WUUss and the ARHss when i manage to pull off a tough save...

i really try to be as useful as possible to the team when it comes to attacking as might be hard but actually giving low and quick throws to my forwards(james/ryan) which can be great counter-attack chances...i manage to do it a few times on sat, but the one to mike was simply the best...i threw a quick ball to mike at waist level which he controlled it once before turning and giving it a volley!!!whoa...that was my fav!!haha..really gd!!

i guess playing at hwa chong is better than BB, the turnovers are faster-so we can play more oftern...and the teams have so much more discipline!...

4:21 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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