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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Saturday, November 18, 2006

THIS IS WHAT THEY CALL 'MATCHA CATCH' at Essential Brew!! Tht greenish, slimy stuff there...its green tea sauce! And to me, it tasted....:yewwwwww!

Finally got out of the suburbs and got down to hOlland V-Ryan's bdae Celebration... It was meant to be a secret curzhe din noe that we had all gathered 4 this special dinner thanks to Geri...
So i wanted to try something special, not the usual Fish n Chips(though it always works) or the seemingly big-portioned Rosti-stacked steak(which wasnt tht big after all,and taste like 'zhi cha' i decided to have dory, Matcha Catch sounds really really interesting hence i went for it. And God, did i regret ordering it the first time that thing was looking at me right in the face! They say first impressions count, and i raise both hands in agreement....luckily mike saved my dinner-exchanged orders with him!
It feels great to be getting a breath of fresh air after all that mugging, and who else to spend such great time with but the guys!(im starting to sound gay here)...well, hope ryan had a gd surprise from us n Geri! aNd in case i dont see u again soon(which i highly doubt so) Bon Voyage John!!!rem to get something back from Aussie for all of us!!
lastly, i WILL be playing soccer next week...26/11/06!! not this week...ok!

11:37 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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