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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sunday soccer last week was exceptionally fruitful for me, after missing out on the previous session and made to stand in between the poles for the entire hour n half in the field match..i was eager to have some up-field action myself..and indeed i did!!Dont really care whether i was lucky or not..but i scored 7 goals i think...and that has to be my best record so was a pretty tiring day as we only had one extra player there wasnt much of a rest time. And though my team didnt eventually win the overall game....i think we all played well!!Good job..oh, and hell i actually played quite a number of games with marvin around..he was good..rock hard in defence...ha, actually we've become pretty good friends after the previous incident haha...wat the heck...
Oh well, my guests are comin soon...@ the same time i also had a mini-revamp of my house...where me n my sis got a new wArdrobe each.And being her usual undecided and slow self...i was again given the task of planning the new layout of her rm...which turn out pretty well i think..haha.which makes me kinda proud of myself curz they were having lotsa trouble thinking how to place the furnitures.
Ever since a long time, i always think that my family is guilty of constantly tryin to keep all the old stuff ard @ hm..even if the next time we'd use the thing is prob a few light yrs away. Coincidentally,when watching the Ellen Degeneres show(shes really good @ hosting and crapping!!im quite a fan of hers now) she was sharing how she love clearing her old stuff...which made me more determined!!Hence i cleared old clothes, books,letters,RV magazines..and all the stuff i once thought wld be nice keepin for memory sake..haha..was pretty satisfied with my round of clearing...though i think more can be thrown.hehe..gtg

12:34 AM


Name:Eugene Lee




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