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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Ex*ms are nearing...and thats not a good thing. Soccer have since stopped much to my unwillingness and everyday's is either the school or the library.It gets at me sometimes, when i spend the whole day at 1 place studying...i'll get to a point where nothing's going in and i feel all uncomfortable sitting down.

Had an interview session with my prof this week when we handed in our project. And im not sure if he's having a bad day or wat, but right at the moment my group mates and i sat down i knew this was not going to be a good day. He scrutinized our report,and commented about our poor drawings...ok i admit its not the best drawing we can give but thats not all. He qns our design, and tested us on the details which of course we couldnt rem. And darn me, who was tasked to do the report write ups did not have a clue to all the calculations he was more interested in...the qns kept coming and i had none answers for him. Although eventually he did explain his reason for interview and told us thats how professional engineers are questioned in an did made me realise again that hell ive spent the last 3 yrs doing something i dont really enjoy doing....of curz its not a surprise to me, but this time round the feeling is so much stronger. Sitting there and being cornered, feeling like my physics and engineering knowledge was as good as a sec4 student didnt make my day for sure...

Yea, i expected all this dreading right from the start...and i guess most of us dont end up studying what you really like becoz life's practicality and passion's do not usually go hand in hand i guess...

Last sat, dear zhi and i went to the zoo!!...Breakfast at KFC for a start was great,and the zoo sure is a happy place to perk us up in the midst of slogging for school!! go back soon!!!=)

I also tried to make Tau Suan(that green bean dessert) at home, thanks to some recipe and short briefing from dear zhi...but i was too clever for myself, in the end spoiling the concotion and only my mom said it was nice when i brought it to my family gathering. Considering my mom would praise me even when i cook maccaroni in soup...i guess thats not an accurate review. Haha...i'll try again tho, better the next time.
kk.mug hard everyone, theres only this much muggin we can do before we cant...

11:47 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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