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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Sunday, May 07, 2006

So Mike's birthday party and EL gathering came to an end with Detz and him both in the pool put in the stormy night..haha..i gotta confession to make though, actually Detz i pushed u in as well ahah...sorry man, i was thinking since u were already wet!!ha..

well, it was a wonderful wonderful night for myself though it wasnt my party...there were just so many major talking points haha...hmm all i can say is:" its a night of new connection,old acquaintances, old flames .."ha, well bbq is really just not the right place for anyone to have a proper meal no matter how well-prepared it is...(oh well probably doesnt apply to that 'NEW KID on the Block' whom i think was pretty convincing if he was trying to seem like we've known him for years!')...never mind that for now, coz i actually had a great time seeing Mabel and Corrine and Mark as we havent been together for like years and they were the ones that i spent my 4 entire years in EL together-acting, playing a fool and proving ourselves! yea, well what can i say,the girls are looking better by the years while Mark has become very much a cool and hunky dude which i am gonna make sure i have his no. in my phone!haha...

party was fun, post party was great as well...after thousands of failed attempts on john's PS we decided to go Detz house to have some fun instead! As much as we didnt wasnt to leave john behind, we just need that PS with us..hmm, not so much about playing it really coz we spent quite a substantial amount of time at Detz house talking about the night and everyone....which was really fun!!i just love bitching about others....

Mothers day next week and Vesak's coming....everyone straighten up for now coz the week wouldnt last....

3:48 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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