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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Havent played soccer for like da**n long already, so so glad that i finally did. It didnt start off well as our initial plan was twarted by the mystery guy who locked the fuhwa Court(we suspect is Detz!!) which means we got insufficient players(7 or so)...was super disappointed, i thought there goes my long awaited Sunday sOCcer!! But heaven is kind, Detz agreed to come eventually(Thanx!) and 2 other ex RVian mysteriously appeared(from nowhere!!!) haha...none of us called them...oh and there was the Father-son duo that we played with before, I muz say the young boy is improving!!(he really should play with us more, with our 'uncle mike's guidance he will become a great youngster)

As if knowing i needed a tan, the sun today was unforgiving!! And considering we only had 2 was super physically demanding!!! But all in all, good football....made some saves and scored 1..from a nice through ball by Mike! And the play-of-the-day goes to james who did a great turn around marvin and placed his shot right onspot!!(Pure Inspiration!!)

Once again, my self-demand when it comes to sport overtook me today, gotta apologise to Marvin curz i blamed him for being slack a few times today! Sorry man...guess i was too competitve.Sunday soCcer is meant to be leisure, and our bonding we shld just laugh it off...gonna miss it next week curz i'll be outa town. looking forward to the week after though...hopefully we'll have the full-force by then(ryan+javin stop WORKING LA) haha...

back to mugging for now....last burst!!
(i think i like you...but u seem so far..)

1:32 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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