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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday aFTERNoons can be boring, sad, and wasteful! Having completed my practice session with john n ryan, i told em and myself i'd to get home to get my work done! Pretty serious about it initially, until i switched on the TV...was channel flipping, when i saw Keanu Reeves(is that how u spell his name?) the last time i saw his movie was in LakeHouse(it was great) So i thought i'd try watching it-Sweet November(anyone watched it also?)...about the girl who has cancer living her life to the fullest and falling in love with a guy each month, until she met Keanu Reeves..sad ending but it sure did reminded me not to waste life and not to waste time!Watching such movies can be pretty enjoyable, curz i learn alot and appreciate things more...and if you try hard enough, sometimes even the sky can seem blue-er, the moon rounder and the colours brighter!ha..(wassup wif all that!!)
But seriously, Jav and ryan both complained to me that 'They are bored(sian)!' ...and when jav told me that 'life is getting boring' i asked him how he defined EXCITING!? Sometimes you dont have to do alot, to feel like you're having fun! Just enjoy the simplest thing and that may be all!!

hA, guessed i watched too much Emotional movies huh?!haha...oh well, one thing is true though...Dont waste your life!...

3:35 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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