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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

mY NAme is Eugene Lee, My Name is Eugene Lee...stupid as it is, thats what i did when i suffered quite a serious concussion yrs back(when i fell and hit the back of my head!!ouch!!) it was dumb, i was bathing in the toilet...had a feeling close to that days ago..
Had an bad feeling the night before we played soccer on 1st Jan, keep thinking if the 1st thing i do for 2007 shld be playing soccer...everything was fine and we all played well against the younger opponents. Not until the last match, was dribbling fast...too fast..went out of control and WHam bHaM hit my face hard on the other guy's head. Impact was super hard...on the side of my nose. Lyk in comics, i was seeing stars!! Groaning in pain, i was down right away...i couldnt see properly and my eyes were in pain...haiz, next thing i know i had blood trickling down my nose(not alot though) was so bad, i was afraid i wld pass out...guess i really dont know when to stop curz i continued playin..ha
was and still am in pain though its better already...that day i went back home to rest, i was afraid i would sleep and never wake up!!!haha...they say evrytime you hit yourself or someone hits you thousands of skin cells would die...if the same applies for brain cells, then i think i could be smarter(if not for the hard knocks on my head!)ha...think so??hehe

9:44 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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