love for


to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today is Valentine's Day, a day full of roses, chocs and all that sweet nothings. Vday for me has always been a lonely one, even during the years of being attached(one didnt last til the next Vday, the other didnt have time for me tht day!!) Probably my only recollection of Vday was in sec sch where our class use to play the SA(secret admirer) Game.

Being back at school now, im once again exposed to all that Vday frenzy, where guys worry about where to bring their gf for dinners and girls wonder what their bfs have in mind. All these going on, while i only had the chance to look on!! Not that im complaining(well, sad to say, i dont even have a target that i can chance on), but it feels weird when everyone and almost anyone is so anxious about it and im just nothing but a bystander.

Was pretty nonchalent about it initially, was still contemplating whether to buy some gifts for my OG pals(which i didnt in the end, and they asked for it!shit!)...but the final and crucial blow of the day came when i saw was at JP. Was getting some stuffs(and laughing at the guys buying those extravagant roses in the flower shop) when...i saw my sec sch friend(guy), he use to be like a geek, and is often teased even by my teacher curz he's only talent is probably playing chess and his CO drum!!for those who know, he's Wenchang! He was in the flower shop when i saw him, dressed formally in a black jacket,holding on to a rose...ultimate shock! Not that people like wenchang cant have dates, or dress up...but more like a wake up call to me.

As much as i believe in fate and all that kinda things, maybe its time to work abit harder to find the right one...
Happy Vday to you~~!

8:31 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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