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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Monday was my Marketing Presentation! One that i had to do well, and secure so that if in anycase i can get A @ the end of the sem, I wld..
Well in case ure thinking, im still an engineer student, marketing is just an elect-some sorta a side dish!!haha...curz deep down inside, my darkest desire is to study Biz!!
Though we were pretty rush for time, and considering we werent exactly that familiar with some of the topics, im reali glad to actually have team mates that are pretty confident presentors..well, i believe that most of the times, its not about the content, just how and who's presenting it. So as usual,i may boastingly say, we gave a confident presentation with min glitches.ha..well it was, until the qns-ans session
The girls' grp, tht presented last week(who were bombarded with qns-ssssss that they didnt quite manage to ans aptly) had actually been taking notes to flaw our product(for revenge)!! So once given the chance, they took off. Questioning our cost, profit, surveys and what not. Initially, i thought it was juz gonna be a short session, so i stood up and tried to handle them. Who wld have guessed that they asked pretty dumb qns like how to wash our product(which is a waterbag FYI), what happens if too many ppl uses it!?...etc etc.It was so bad, to a point where 1 of my team mate even got pissed!!(he told em to keep to themselves!)ha
Ive never seen my class got so enthusiastic before, they probably asked more qns tht day then all other lessons add tgt!! i wasnt angry with them, but girls, this could be the reason why man are still the prefered ones to be employed!..u think so?letting emotions run wild in occasions like this just to vent and take revenge?..
They did apologise to me after class,well i just laughed it off...only glad to have completed it!!:)

8:15 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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