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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Today is the twice annually Mambo usual we head down to MS Kbox(our fav haunt u can say)..somehow we've gotten use to having just the 4 of us since the rest either forgotten all about the group or juz cant be bothered...ha..but it was fun though it wasnt a gd day of singing for me...was sounding really bad and very throaty(according to jean i sound like a duck singing!!!)haha...thats quite sad actually, cuz ducks are well-known for their ability to make noises not even sound....haha, but guess shes just refering to the throaty part..ha, i hope. Anw, Tammy was really high, adding her own touch to all the songs that she sang...really funnie..

------Me, Jean, Joleyn,Tammy!!---

Joleyn was suppose to have other plans initially, was rather turned off at first curz that will leave the outing with 3 participants only. bUt she surprised me in the end...glad she came, though i had to be her accompanyment-vocal the whole afternoon!!haha...which didnt help make my throaty voice any better!!haha...

My voice was so bad i couldnt stand it myself...dont know what happen. After Kbox we headed back...ya, our outings are always quie short...maybe we shld have more activities next time...

Well, it wasnt just home sweet home for me...on my way back,I received a call from Zonkie...only to remember that i was suppose to have a CDO gathering @ MS!!!(YES, MS AGAIN!!!i was already @ Clementi when they called me...urgh!!)

So i went all the way back since any outing will be less fun without me(haha, is it??juz jkg la)...just that its like a sin for any1 of us to miss outings..haha...

Surprisingly i was in time for the order taking @ Kenny Rogers(actually i dont really like the fd offence though, juz not my type)and i was so glad to see the rest i couldnt stop talking to them...ha,the usual "rivalries" and "must-be-stirred-shit" were ever present..especially when news broke out that my friend is getting a 7-SITTER CAR as a present for obtaining his licence!!!(Yes!!im not joking...his identity will however be hidden for obvious reasons-so that i'll be the only who can exploit him...haha, jkg la)

We went to Andersen's Icecream afterwards for more catching up to be done...
------YES!!ure looking @ war-heroes-to-be!!haha-----
The next outing is already planned Fortress Fou!!!aNd we'll be seeing each other again @ ICT..haiz...its fast, i thought i just ORD-ed...and now, im already on my way to my first ever reservist...whatever happened to my plan of "Escaping/Excusing from ICT"(do i get into trouble for confessing here??haha) well..hope its gonna be more fun than sufferings...although im not hoping too much...

PS- To whom-it-may-concern-----NO NAME CALLING PLS...

12:13 AM


Name:Eugene Lee




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