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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Monday, July 30, 2007

iT was a year ago that i was part of this amazing Group of PeoPle that rocKEd my world so much i had to be part of it again this year....Sports Unlimited14!!Upz la...

sPent the last 6 days with Sports Camp, it was real fun and so much more enjoyable curz i could had more rest compared to last year now that im a senior(more slack)...i joined 1 of the OGs for a majority of the time, trekking from Bukit timah all the way to Thompson(pretty much like outfield in army actually haha!!)then went running around Singapore for Amazing Race(my fav event for sports camp)!!...They came back 4th, which was quite a good result, but also meant that i had a hard time running around with them..haha...

Throughout the camp, i ensured max comfort for myself as i hooked up with my friend from Logistics, getting him to drive me ard in the lorry to lunch and even back to school to bath and sleep while the freshies camped outside at Sembawang Park!!
Their SP(Secret Partner) night was much cooler than mine last year, not only because my SP was a girl bigger size than me...(ok, shant be bad)..but because it was held at Palawan Beach -the southern most part of the continent...yea, the booked the entire mini-island!!how cool was that....


12:54 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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