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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Went out for dinner with some of my JC pals on friday @ Vivocity! Ive been there to shop quite a few times, but never to eat...
Justin who just came back frm Aussie for his holidays waas there too..haven seen him for so loong already. It was fun but pretty lame at times...haha..
We were pretty lost as to what to do after dinner(Vivo lacks entertainment!!) in the end we went for a drink at CoffeeBeAN...
Going to help out @ SU14(sPORTs Unlimited) next week..i'll be part of the publicity crew which basically just goes ard taking photos..haha...guess im really lucky curz thats like the best job as a senior helping out..slack!!ha...Great Thanks to my Cdo mate for pulling me in..haha..curz i didnt even apply for it..
Well only bad thing is im not gonna get gd slp for the entire week...leaving the camp on sat night...only because i have a Captains Ball competition with my friends on about a jam-packed week i said when u're free, nobody looks for you, when you've got things to do..everything just suddenly cram one behind each other..haha...another 1 of life's irony!!hehe..
Well then...its field soccer later today, against HC guys, they are supposedly the strongest team we've ever played so far...hopefully we'll do well!!yea..
Raising Global temperature has lead to Rising Sea-level around the world. As more ice glaciers meltdown in the north, a raise in sea-level of 1m could mean that low-lying places like the beautiful Maldives could be totally submerged!!
Talk about UnDerwaterworld!

11:06 AM


Name:Eugene Lee




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