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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Friday, January 04, 2008

hAPPY nEW yEAR 2008!!

its been Eons since i last updated, my lack of time being the prime culprit but i guess laziness played a part as well!!haha, so much so that it wasnt until someone reminded me to update my blog that i was remembered i have a Blog!!haha..which explains why i got myself to change my SKIN, to rekindle my habit of blogging again. Often blamed for being overly reliant on black and dark colours, hopefully this isnt too kiddish or worse Gay!!haha

Been really busy, mainly with my Impre official and UnOfficial STUFF!!
Haha...fROM Genting to StandChart to Auditions to the Zoo and CounTDown it has been endless but also limitlessly CrAZY with my Impre gang(Good-lookers huh?haha)....and Crazy is certainly not an overstatement as we never fail to make the loudest noise at whatever occasion,share the worst jokes we've ever heard and play the lamest of lame games with each other...haha.

2007 was a Blast, i guess i am Happy with my least i made most of my new year objectives!!
Better results being 1 of them, wasnt that successful curz its still imcomparable lets just say...but den again, i tried my best!!thats what counts rite?haha
They say time flies when ure enjoying sure does, as the Dawn of another sem is just round the corner! It didnt seem like i had a months break, but i sure had a Month worth of Fun!! OK,time to start the study cYcle again!!haha...argh...cant believe im gonna be mugging again!!Its bad for Health!!

12:23 AM


Name:Eugene Lee




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