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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Spent the week back in Hendon Camp with the cdo guys, the week has been really really hectic..everyday slpg past midnight and waking up early. With all our short haircut, and donning the green Uniform, it sure feels like NS times once again. I guess its really true that its in difficult times that true relationships can be formed, this i felt during my week long training. Though we only have the occasional gatherings, once back together, it was the same fun and laughs and more importantly the brotherhood with my detachment especially that im proud of, always know that if anything i can depend on them!

Night at the Musuem!
And finally i gotta see my dear zhi after the week!!(its been a long long week u noe?) We attended the Singapore Night Festival at SMU Green and all the musuems, it was a great night of fireworks and interesting exhibits with us taking on a more cultured persona.

It was also surprising that amidst the random snapping, one of the Musuem guide actually compliment my photo on the Glass City(top left above) as "..the best ive seen so far." haha, of curz i didnt take it to heart because it was a really random shot..but still, thanks.

We watched an acrobatic performance called Loop of Fortune @ the SMU Green. It was quite repetitive maybe there were more meaning to it but the lighting and music was great. But it wasnt all smooth, as we saw the lead singer fell from her moving platform during the performance and the show had to pause for a moment. It was quite a bad fall as the platform was rather high, didnt know what happen to her...hopefully she fell on the grass patch and wasnt too bad.And it was also then that a group of yound adults standing behind us that started calling their friend who saw the performance the night earlier to check if the fall/prank was part of the performance!!!Seriously!thought that was really shallow, curz obviously this is not a comedy show...its an art performance. I guess many of us still have lots to catch up on the arts scene, not that im good but at least read up abit mah...The performers were really professional though, continuing the show proper even after the hiccup.Kudos to them.
The National Musuem is actually a very nice place, i think dear zhi liked the place with all the british architecture and history. It was fun, chatting and getting people to help us take photos, and i must say people u get to help u at the musuem takes much better photos too. haha.
Me & Dear zhi
i've missed u... =)

11:28 AM


Name:Eugene Lee




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