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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Its stressful times like this that i tend to write more i guess, to get my mind off work and to conc on some other things. Its been a stressful week so far, and i can only see it getting worse...(hump ahead!!)
Completed Prof Communication presentation yest, 1 down for my module....wasnt too bad i think, altho i actually got nervous the more i the last part was rather srewed up. More quizzes coming..and FYP!!
Met my prof again today, i actually told him im quite worried abt my progress on the proj. And hail the lord, i couldnt have got a better answer from him. He looked at me and said : " dont worry, you got me...." In times of uncertainty, thats certainly something i would wanna hear. Sometimes, i really do complain about how abstract my proj seems, and it was him who recommended me to it, but i guess hes really a "Father" to me in school!!haha..He's got a slight curl in his hair too, just that he's from India..haha...theres something between me n India i think.haha....anw, my labs not accessible for next 2 weeks, n thats screwed up!!we'll see..i hate hiccups...
Hiccups it is, Dear zhi just taught me a way of curing them. She made me do it that day, and it sure looks stupid..haha.but effective. Hold ya stomach and bend down, before that take some water but dont swallow it. While bending, slowing swallow the water! And there goes, you're hiccup free.
It is hiccup, lifes full of hiccups.Once in awhile, things crop up, screw up and dont goes according to plan. Could be work, could be the bus that broke down on ya way to school or the weird neighbour you have. And when its more serious, u suffer a loud burp. I guess they're all part of life. Instead of seeing how much it screws up ya life, get over it, cure the hiccup...and when ure done with it, dont continue to frown over it. Remember that there are so much more times in life where u dont suffer the hiccups or the burp, magnify the positives and things will look that much better. maybe im guilty of simplifying the problems too much, but its precisely because we have too many issues in life to be bothered by the hiccups. So unless ure suffering hiccups with every breathe u take, in which case i'll agree thats a genuine prob, take time to think about the good things in life.
back to work now....

9:47 AM


Name:Eugene Lee




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