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“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

NDP (Preview)2009 Lucky was the word for the weekend! First i managed to get NDP preview ticket sitting at the VIP sector from someone i didnt know, 2nd the weather forecast for the weekend was likely showers yet we sat thru the show dry and with a nice breeze. So yea, sometimes we really can depend on luck too...=)
It was my first time viewing at the floating platform at MarinaBay. Sure is enjoyable sitting by the Singapore river and having our CBD skyline as the back-drop. I even saw my NS OC at the stands, had a short chat with him..still as sarcastic as ever. He's of course moved up from the supporting to the main contingent leader, good for him!!
The NDP has-through the years-become more meaningfull to i see Altitude went up to perform, and myself doing the Guard-of-honour. The first time i saw it was at Kallang Stadium, i took part in the one at Padang and now i get to see it at Marina Bay.haha.

The show is very much different from last time, as there are less formations and weapon-system parades now, in place of that is more music and dance-performances. We can also get closer to the props and performers as they now can walk into the stands. As night falls, the spectular lights and music made it look like a pop-concert!

8.22pm, we took the pledge together and sang all the other national day songs...there were quite alot of fireworks as well considering its only a preview. After the show we even walked to the bottom of the stage and took pictures.

NDP was really good, although i was quite busy the whole time taking was a memorable NDP with dear zhi...

1:49 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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