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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Had intended to blog about my wunderful weekend but since photos are not in yet...heres my thought of the week...

This is my last week of Internship @ RWS, been learning a hell lot and having quite a good time as well...besides all the dirty job i guess. Leaving my post and heading back to School is quite sharp turn i would say, it also left me thinking about my post-graduation life...where am i going to go really? While there are vague ideas of what i really want from my job, but specifically...i still have some decision-making to do....
Ive had various views so far..from the 'pessimistic ones'-worrying about not getting a job, 'contented ones'-just give me job and monthly pay enough for my family(i dont need to climb the corporate ladder, 'Chiong ones'- Must get a job overseas and earn Expat pay(my family can wait) to more 'Balanced ones'-get a job and climb by good performance!!....sure is some contrasting views, i guess i know which is me...but with 1 yr left in school, there really should be some ironing out done soon. i can smell the school work coming already, not good at all, but im ready i guess...its been a fruitful holiday, maybe i could have slacked more, but yea, not too bad i guess.

Well no matter what decision i make, theres one thing im sure of....guess we're all stuck in this rat race to get the best out of our lives!! Strive to do well, but dont forget to stay Happy too!

11:14 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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