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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Friday, December 18, 2009

The holiday has been too much of a slack for me, and im not that use to the drop in tempo...curz the previous holiday was spent working, its really been awhile since i actually had the liberty to wake up and think what im goin to do today.

Haven really played as much soccer as i would like, and mike's leaving.Although, Ive certainly been playing more poker than i think i would, and the guys are still crazy over it, haha.

Been to Botanical Gardens for picnic wif zl again, this time round food was a tat simplier and we brought Happy along. Well maybe it was more like Happy was bringing us along, curz he decided where he wants to go, which path he wants to take and stuff. haha. While eating, it was pretty much the same, as he barge around us in search for food..haha, guess we din had much of a worry about him wandering too far away from us as he was always ard us in search of food.

It wasnt until night fall, that he settled down and sat down with us proper.haha. We had Rice roll(home-made) and Soba for dinner(home-made) and Mango mousse Crumble frm Da Paolo. Rice roll still reminds me of Shanghai, but maybe curz we're not eating it in the cold, and it isnt from the run-down road-side stall, it just seem to lack something. Soba wasnt too bad, and if we were not that full we wld certainly have finished the Mango mousse which was really gd.

It was nice after dinner, as we sat with Happy between us...talking, looking at the lighted Xmas Treesss..
Though it was quite tiring, at least Happy enjoyed it quite alot=) a nice, quiet evening.

9:17 AM


Name:Eugene Lee




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