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“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Sunday, July 16, 2006

itS been allergic to Chinese Orchestra!!!im sure we're all use to hearing our sch CO perform during celebrations and stuff, and i have to admit its always the performance that im least excited abt, coz it gives me headaches!! So when my sis had her sch's performance at Victoria Concert hall, i was pretty hesistant to go and give my support..though i finally decided to go. And guess wat, The moment they played the 1st head started pounding!!headache again!!..ha, do they have a name for such condition???!!
wEnt down with mike, john, detz n Javin to Hong LEong GARDEn to meet Javin's friend whose mom(who is a pure Jap) has a restaurant there...we were pretty excited at 1st, to meet Yumi n have a try at true authentic Jap food. Its a small restaurant, that has only 4-5 tables only...small it might be, it looks really retro and 'un-singapore' haah. Considering we met abit late, by the time we had our orders taken it was abt we waited and waiiiteeed and waaaiiiitttteeeedddd....730, and the only thing we had was RoasTed Barley TEA (which tastes abit like coffee!!haha) we ran of topics, we played the Javin's handphone game which is lame....1st order came only at 830!!!my god...hungry as we were, we waited patiently only coz its JAvin's friend!!! So by the time, all our food came, everything tasted really good...though im not sure if its coz we were too hungry already!!haha...i ordered Beef fillet curry rice, which i think is quite good...never had deep fried beef before!!think its not that cmon!!!...the best has to be her Beef Stew!!!which is strong and really sweet!!it was amazing...oh and there's her home-made ice -cream as well..which didnt quite appeal to my taste.
Overall-a healthy and authentic jap meal, points added for its jap ambience and her no short-cut way of cooking!!!! the Extremely loong wait and a pretty hefty bill maybe whats stopping you from going!!!...well, at least we made a friend!!!Haha

3:14 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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