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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Thursday, July 06, 2006

ItS every boy's dream to have or even be a Superman in real life-probably 1 of the longest living SuperHero of all time that is still able to create some sorta fever for himself!!!

So like any other BOY(if im still considered 1!!) i went to catch it...ha. Well putting aside the fact that i watched it at LOT1(which personally i think has 1 of the lousiest theartre in Singapore!!), and that the UNCLE sitting behind me was practically laughing at every move Superman did(not outa amusement but more as though he find it really really cool!!!)...i think it was a good film all in all.Not for the action, nor for the " look so much better now-Louis Lane" but because i found the whole baddy idea so true!!
"You can be printing notes or making diamonds but if u have land u'll be in control of the world-because they dont produce that anymore!!" ...the bad guy(dont really know his name!ha) probably didnt say that exactly but idea is there ya!!haha...But seriously, compared to all the other movies i believe this is by far the smartest Bad guy I know!!haha- i mean aint it true??look at oil prices, land prices...they never drop do they!!!??

ha...thats certainly food for thought!! Probably i can come up with an idea to produce something that is gonna run out soon!!??...many people's goal in life is "to be rich!!" but how do u define rich???? owning a condo and BMW rich..or do u want to be billionaires that appear in Forbes annually?? HoNs degree wouldnt make me rich!! thats what i know,haha. So anyone wants a joint venture or something????...haha

LetS BE RICH!!!! Filthy Rich!!!

4:09 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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