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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My family turned into a mini Popiah factory last sunday!!! My godma's maid prepared the fillings and stuff...enough for a Block party!! it wasnt long before all of us took turns to become our very own popiah chef..haha...

It wasnt easy for me, as folding it turned out to be harder than it seemed..haha..mine often end up looking like a real mess!!haha...argh...but after 3 popiahs(yea, tts how much i ate!!) i manage to finally do up a better looking 1...ha...wat a POpiah Party!!hehe

Thats our Semi final poster, which is really nice in all senses..haha....
.....Impre for me has been a really good experience thus far...not only coz of the few wonderful friends ive made..but i guess it gave me a purpose, a drive in school....ive always felt something was missing for me in school.................something else thats gonna interest me, something else thats gona make me feel good about goin to school, something else apart from the books and equations.....
its this same feeling i got from ELDDS in RV, and Basketball in PJ....though it may be tiring, time consuming and some times even frustrating ...somehow i just enjoy it....
i do admit tho, that it has its own short-comings(like any other thing on EARTH)...which comes in the form of awkward tensions between people sometimes.... haha,its really amusing, how we are like grown ups alr and yet we can still act like kids some times.....i guess it happens all the time,we all have days where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or times when everything seem to not go right...and to counter it? i guess we just gotta learn to accept people as they are and look on the brighter side....but yea, i guess its this lil encounters that makes life LIFE...haha...
One thing works for me all the time......

10:41 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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