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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sunday was Det's Birthday celebration!!! We dont usually plan for an elaborate bdae celebration, usually winning11 or a drink would have ended the night! but this time round we sorta had activities after activities..haha..which wasnt bad at all!!

And it all started with me being late!!!haha(as if i was the bdae boy huh!)....... Dinner was @ BUgis,we had a sumptous meal(which could have easily been a vegetarian meal if not for us kb-ing Det!!ha) thanks to Det who treated us....its never easy to be feeding 9 man!!haha...

Settlers after dinner was a first for us as well....not individually, but we never thought of board games as an activity for us...guys, if u know what i mean!! We were having much fun, and soon enough there were only us(all guys) and 2 other tables(all girls!rather young tho)...and they started singin a birthday song!!(their friend bdae also) much as we're surprised, we joined in as was hilarious....and when they were done, we had them sing a birthday song for Det as well!!haha...
and whats a birthday without some we made Det walk over to shake hands with the bdae girl...haha....funny la!!

We realised it was just right a time to catch the Fa CUP finals after settlers...we head down to Chijmes!! There werent alot of ppl....maybe coz its Sunday!! Apart from beer and soccer..we had a nice chat too...guess, it was a great night for me...though the price of the beer was on the high side...the company, the nice atmosphere...and the band which was great but all too often interrupting the soccer match..made up for it!! Oh and the fact that Chelsea didnt win too!!haha

12:23 AM


Name:Eugene Lee




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