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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Thursday, January 21, 2010

9.25am: @ CAN A

Not in the mood to mug like im suppose to....

Life's made up of many things that we are "Suppose" to do, suppose to find a job, suppose to do house work, suppose to be this and be that....
dont you wish sometimes you can escape from all the "have to"s and just indulge in all the "want to"s...i guess at some point of time we all do. To leave not only the work in our hand, but also the societal definitions of a successful person/filial son/good husband or bf/dutiful citizen.

Maybe we all want that sub-conciously; to live care-free, boundary less....and basically be selfish, selfish because we only want to do what we personally wld like to do. But we cant. One of the things our parents first taught us even before we went to Primary school, was to share and to be "friend friend" with the neighbour's kid. Because it is the same 2 things that define our society, that one have to live communally and follow the societal definitions, and that we cant be selfish as we want. So maybe it isnt such an easy thing after all to live as we want to...we can, actually, but only if ure also willing to sacrifice ure material belongings, companionship and how ppl judge u. More often than not, we're too greedy to sacrifice them, to be bold enough to leave them aside....
whens my turn to be selfish?....might not happen after all.

9:24 AM


Name:Eugene Lee




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