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to a page of my life

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill

Sunday, May 21, 2006

So AmAZing race came to an AmAziNG End with my FaV team winning it!!!BJ & TYLER!!!! was pure excitement and adrenaline rush all the way to the they always say: May the best man Win...ha, they sure did..
so when i first heard abt an AsiaN edition of Amazing Race earlier this year, i was really planning on doing it!!Even got a friend to take part with already....only to realise actually we're slightly under-age haha, anyway i later found out it takes a lot of trouble to be chosen by the producers, must travel here and there just to get if finally never get chosen then too bad...
Anyway, getting tired of my job nowadays..its really boring if not for the babes haha...well guess im having secoond thoughts about office jobs(it use to be my dream!!)...
Next week is soccer competition for me and the guys....cant wait to play games with them, but really worried and pretty inconfident about it...we havent been playing together for the past fact i really think we should plan for any back-up plans(e.g play winning at detz's)just in case it turns out to be a really really short day for us on Sat..haaha..

1:59 PM

Sunday, May 07, 2006

So Mike's birthday party and EL gathering came to an end with Detz and him both in the pool put in the stormy night..haha..i gotta confession to make though, actually Detz i pushed u in as well ahah...sorry man, i was thinking since u were already wet!!ha..

well, it was a wonderful wonderful night for myself though it wasnt my party...there were just so many major talking points haha...hmm all i can say is:" its a night of new connection,old acquaintances, old flames .."ha, well bbq is really just not the right place for anyone to have a proper meal no matter how well-prepared it is...(oh well probably doesnt apply to that 'NEW KID on the Block' whom i think was pretty convincing if he was trying to seem like we've known him for years!')...never mind that for now, coz i actually had a great time seeing Mabel and Corrine and Mark as we havent been together for like years and they were the ones that i spent my 4 entire years in EL together-acting, playing a fool and proving ourselves! yea, well what can i say,the girls are looking better by the years while Mark has become very much a cool and hunky dude which i am gonna make sure i have his no. in my phone!haha...

party was fun, post party was great as well...after thousands of failed attempts on john's PS we decided to go Detz house to have some fun instead! As much as we didnt wasnt to leave john behind, we just need that PS with us..hmm, not so much about playing it really coz we spent quite a substantial amount of time at Detz house talking about the night and everyone....which was really fun!!i just love bitching about others....

Mothers day next week and Vesak's coming....everyone straighten up for now coz the week wouldnt last....

3:48 PM

Friday, May 05, 2006

AMazing Race ROx!!
no, i am not gay...but anyway this is BJ + TYLeR of AMazing race 9!! They are my fav team in the race right now coz they are funny and cool not so competitive and cunning like the rest!!aha...ok, this is starting to sound really gay now....
well might just say that i have actually become a huge HUGE fan of TV recently, yea...talked about American Idol yesterday and here i am again!!ha, cant help it becoz this week's amazing race is just toooooooo exciting!!

Went SHopping with john and Detz today!!( my god, somebody just slap me in the face and say that im GAY!)..well its for Mike actually.Coz we having a gathering tomorrow for his Birthday so had to go buy the stuff which turned out to be a trolley full!! was real funny having 3 guys doing the groceries coz we really know nuts about estimating the food amount, pricing, marinating and need less to say cook!!well we walked around Giant laughing at each other, fooling around and with john telling us how beautiful this girl look coz he saw her chang* before....oops
hopefully, tomorrow's gethering would be succesful..i have a feeling we got all the food badly proportioned!!!well we see, we see...

11:20 PM

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

For those who still havent got themselves hooked onto this season's AMERICAN iDoL, u must have been 'LOST'. Haha, just caught the latest episode and i must say all of them are really really good...the standard are just miles away from Singpore Idol or any other singing competition in Singapore..i mean just take any of the current finalist and put him in Singapore and he'll win!!no doubts really...
Personally, i am head over heels for KathaRiNe MCPhEe..she sings like a bird, has great charisma and she's BE-A-UTIful...ha...juz this week, she looked so relax and confident and yet sounded so soothing!!oh gosh, somebody stop me....PLease!!!'s kAthEriNE & kElly PiCKler(who looks great as well)......i think im In LoVE.........

10:05 PM

Monday, May 01, 2006

went to HwA cHOng to play soccer on sat..though i wasnt frm HC( not anywhere near @ all) but goin back to a school, hearing the band members play(somehow its always the band u hear when u go to any sch on sats) and seeing all the ppl clad in uniform; made me nostalgic abt schooling days!!haha..guess we are really turning into like mike said!!

well it was a great day for soccer among us, other than Detz early and unfortunate departure. somehow he's always so d*mn proned to injury!! i decided that i shall not play upfront at all tht day becoz from experience i cant really keep after playing forward!...mike was gd at defence with detz, ryan was hot up front and javin was everywhere...we played pretty well i must say. of corz i took lotsa effort in saving all the balls that came my way, and i must say that i am pretty satisfied with my performance!..haha, somehow i just love saving balls and seeing the opponents grab their head in desperation.....oh, and the WUUss and the ARHss when i manage to pull off a tough save...

i really try to be as useful as possible to the team when it comes to attacking as might be hard but actually giving low and quick throws to my forwards(james/ryan) which can be great counter-attack chances...i manage to do it a few times on sat, but the one to mike was simply the best...i threw a quick ball to mike at waist level which he controlled it once before turning and giving it a volley!!!whoa...that was my fav!!haha..really gd!!

i guess playing at hwa chong is better than BB, the turnovers are faster-so we can play more oftern...and the teams have so much more discipline!...

4:21 PM


Name:Eugene Lee




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