Welcome,to a page of my lifefashion “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill |
Wednesday, November 29, 2006Finally the exams are over and i can sleep in peace...well, its no time wasting for me curz tonight i'll be flying off to China Beijing...heard its freaking cold...oooo....and im afraid of cold!!haha..well...cya guys ard ya...be back for more SUNDAY sOCCER and kbox..cya6:28 PMSunday, November 26, 2006Havent played soccer for like da**n long already, so so glad that i finally did. It didnt start off well as our initial plan was twarted by the mystery guy who locked the fuhwa Court(we suspect is Detz!!) which means we got insufficient players(7 or so)...was super disappointed, i thought there goes my long awaited Sunday sOCcer!! But heaven is kind, Detz agreed to come eventually(Thanx!) and 2 other ex RVian mysteriously appeared(from nowhere!!!) haha...none of us called them...oh and there was the Father-son duo that we played with before, I muz say the young boy is improving!!(he really should play with us more, with our 'uncle mike's guidance he will become a great youngster)As if knowing i needed a tan, the sun today was unforgiving!! And considering we only had 2 teams..it was super physically demanding!!! But all in all, good football....made some saves and scored 1..from a nice through ball by Mike! And the play-of-the-day goes to james who did a great turn around marvin and placed his shot right onspot!!(Pure Inspiration!!) Once again, my self-demand when it comes to sport overtook me today, gotta apologise to Marvin curz i blamed him for being slack a few times today! Sorry man...guess i was too competitve.Sunday soCcer is meant to be leisure, and our bonding session...so we shld just laugh it off...gonna miss it next week curz i'll be outa town. looking forward to the week after though...hopefully we'll have the full-force by then(ryan+javin stop WORKING LA) haha... back to mugging for now....last burst!! .... ... (i think i like you...but u seem so far..) 1:32 PMFriday, November 24, 2006Yea, yea, yea...1 left,1 left!!! Juz had my phy today, and all i can say is it was harder than asking me to give birth!!! Seriously, every1 of my friends came out disappointed. As for me, i pretty much gave up half-way through already! Haiz...wonder if its me who is not gd enough or the profs are out to make things difficult for us...Anyway, finally can half my 'nights-off'...take a break before studying for my last last paper..b4 hell break lose!!!haha..speaking of hell...ive got another video to share with u guys!! Ive seen this 'live' myself before, and the first time i saw it i also thought of putting it on YOUTUBE! So shant make u wait anymore...here's my last words before u view it : Singaporeans queue everywhere...sale, Freebies and here's adding to the list.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OWFI4_Q8Wk!!! Enjoy!! 12:28 AMTuesday, November 21, 2006![]() <<<<<< My Motication to carry on!!!haha... OK, 4 down 2 more to go, and i cant wait for it all to end... Through the days of my supposedly-intense mugging, the thing that im more satisfied with is probably not just finishing the exam but finally seeing light to some of the initially alien subjects like Lifescience and Women in a globalized world( yea, im taking that very interesting!) Thing about Uni, though the core subs can be really really tough(e.g. who in the world proves the product rule in differentiation!!??..im suppose to noe tht!!), i get to take some really interesting electives which really helps make my studies so much more interesting!! Enough of all tht crap, actually i just wanna share this Interesting video i came across during my studies...Anyone knows whats Non-newtonian liquid!! well take a look and u'll know...really cool stuff..but dont have to watch whole vid, curz its juz the same thing... so here it is, enjoy :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2XQ97XHjVw 8:14 PMSaturday, November 18, 2006![]() ![]() THIS IS WHAT THEY CALL 'MATCHA CATCH' at Essential Brew!! Tht greenish, slimy stuff there...its green tea sauce! And to me, it tasted....:yewwwwww! Finally got out of the suburbs and got down to hOlland V-Ryan's bdae Celebration... It was meant to be a secret curzhe din noe that we had all gathered 4 this special dinner thanks to Geri... So i wanted to try something special, not the usual Fish n Chips(though it always works) or the seemingly big-portioned Rosti-stacked steak(which wasnt tht big after all,and taste like 'zhi cha'...so i decided to have dory, Matcha Catch sounds really really interesting hence i went for it. And God, did i regret ordering it the first time that thing was looking at me right in the face! They say first impressions count, and i raise both hands in agreement....luckily mike saved my dinner-exchanged orders with him! It feels great to be getting a breath of fresh air after all that mugging, and who else to spend such great time with but the guys!(im starting to sound gay here)...well, hope ryan had a gd surprise from us n Geri! aNd in case i dont see u again soon(which i highly doubt so) Bon Voyage John!!!rem to get something back from Aussie for all of us!! lastly, i WILL be playing soccer next week...26/11/06!! not this week...ok! 11:37 PMFriday, November 17, 2006hey hey, finally manage to have some time to update my blog!! Its been quite a few hectic weeks for now, and i must say it really feels like im drowning in a sea of information already. But still got 2 more weeks to go, well at least im already in the midst of my exam...with the beginnning, the end is near!! Hopefully, im keeping my fingers cross i'll be able to play a little soccer next sunday(any1 organising??whos turn is it?all u lazy ass)Coming back to studies and exam prep after such a long time made me realise how little i actually did back in secondary school and JC...it really is a feat for me to have scrape through all the way!with the help of amazing teachers of course...well thats probably why i work harder now also..because i know the same thing wouldn't happen in UNI....curz all of em pretty much suck!!(except for a few)...thanks to a GLOBALIZED School environment!!IF U NOE WAT I MEAN!) .. anyway, im going to BeiJing right after my exams, which means no soccer for another dreading week..ha..i hope its gonna be fun and not just a cultural trip...anyone's been there before??is it nice?? 9:50 PMMonday, November 06, 2006http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmtgnEXjvvIuni Lecturers can be realli funny at times, i have had lecturers who play 'national day songs' when showing us past year qns in LTs and many other jokers who try and be funny. although most of the time they can be reali lame, still its funny enough to see ya teachers diff side. Rem we were once taught 1 of the Maths rule (ASTC=All science teachers are CRAZY!) i guess its true after all..so enjoy the NTU lect clip!!he's A joker! 11:16 AMWednesday, November 01, 2006Seems to me that ryan they all are all so so slack and enjoying their life right now yea?ha, better enjoy now, no worried no commitment...find things that u've always wanted to do but were just too lazy, too busy, too forgetful, too cant-be-bothered!Gotta apologise for not joinin all the dinners and stuff, as much as i would realli love to..well, planning to go Sunday Soccer this week.Time for my legs to take over my brains...curz it feels like its gona explode anytime!!so cya k... 12:07 AMprofileName:Eugene Lee Age:25 Sex:Male Hobbies:Soccer/Basketball/Singing/Travelling style
archivesBy post:The Christmas holiday was spent baking with ZL...... Its the time of the year again...christmas!!My fav... I need a break from Work!!! its a short weekend this week, and it only means a... Finally got some time to sit down and write here..... THe heat has been grossly unfriendly these days...... Spent 32 bucks for a night with the ghosts and th... Ever since early this year, i havent been listenin... Those were the days...me the fat boy with uncle As... Its interesting how birthdays evolve over the year... By month: February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 tagSHOUT OUT HERE! giftsGifts Siftg |