Welcome,to a page of my lifefashion “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill |
Wednesday, January 31, 2007![]() Though supportive, but i always thought Thailand's soccer is a mark above ours...so i was actually hoping for a draw for Singapore only. Wanted to skip the match initially, but im glad i didnt..curz it was DRAMATIC!!...ha..Singapore played especially well!!and somehow, fate wanted Singapore to win no matter wat...thanks to the msian referee we were given a late penalty... The thai coach has been complaining the whole match of the ref's decision...what could be worst to coincide a penalty...1st time ever i saw the entire team leaving the pitch and boycotting the ref!!whoa....ive had exchange progs with Thai ppl before, and to me, they are a bunch of loyal righteos lads often without much temper!!and for them to have such a big reaction, i'd believe they feel really really wronged!! Well, im glad for Singapore, of curz i am, but with the recent unrest in Thailand against the Singapore poiliticians. This can only add to their unhappiness...well, NO we're not gona get a *omb or two from em...i just think the stress and pressure on our players when they go over would be hell...well..may the best team Win!!.. 10:51 PMMonday, January 29, 200731 THINGS to do to make a girl happy..1. Tell her she is beautiful 2. Hold her hand at any moment . . .even if its just for a second. 3. Hug her from behind 4. Leave her voice messages to wake upto. 5. Wrestle with her :) 6. don't go hang out with you ex whenshe is not with you, you might notrelize how badly it hurts her. 7. If youre talking to another girl,when you're done talking, walk over andhug her and kiss her....let her knowshe's yours and they aren't. 8. Write her notes or call her just tosay "hi" 9. Introduce her to your friends . . .as your girlfriend. 10. Play with her hair. 11. Pick her up (she loves it) 12. Get upset if another guy touchesher and she doesn't like it 13. Make her laugh 14. Let her fall asleep in your arms. 15. If she's mad at you, kiss her. 16. If you care about her, then TELL HER 17. Every guy should give their girl 3things: a stuffed animal (she'll hug itevery time she goes to sleep), jewelry(she'll treasure it forever), and one ofher t-shirts (she'll most likely wear itto bed) or sweatshirts sprayed withher cologne!! and flowers or somethingoccasionally. 18. Treat her the same around yourfriends as you do when you're alone. 19. Look her in the eyes and smile. 20. Hang out with her on weekends 21.Kiss her in the rain (girls lovethis) 22.Kiss her just for the heck of it 23. If your listening to music, let herlisten too. 24. Remember her birthday and get hersomething, even if its'n simple andinexpensive, it came from YOU. it meansall the world to HER. 25. when she gives you a present onyour birthday, Christmas, or justwhenever, take it and tell her you loveit, even if you don't (it'll make herhappy.) 26. Always call her when you say youwill, it may not seem like it, but itdoes hurt her and makes her think youdon't care so call even if you can onlytalk for a minute. Girls don'tnecessarily have to have hour longconversations every night but its nicefor us to hear your voice even for aquick hello. 27. Give her wat she wants 28. Recognize the small things . . .they usually mean the most. 29. Don't hug her friends or yourfriends that are girls cause she'll feelleft out. 30. Hang out with her whenever you arefree and u should be free to hang wityour girl friend all the time 31. If u care about her...SHOW her! still waiting.. 11:05 PMSunday, January 28, 2007![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yesterday has to be one of the happiest and most fun-filled day i had, since a long time!! Went for impresario Semi and Junction 8, with much anticipation that turned into nervous-ness eventually...lotsa things to take note of regarding our performance, but i think we did ok!! And yea, we got throught to the finals!!woooohooo... Although ive had past experiences singing on stage on weddings, school, bla bla bla...yesterday's performance was still quite nervous for me...after hearing myself afterwards, really think it wasnt my best and further made me believe that singing professionally for me can only be a dream(curz the standard is just not up there!) Despite feeling pretty confident initially, as i thought ive always had good experiences at Ktvs, personally, the performance gave me a reality check!(ha, its so unlike me to sound so pessimistic and inconfident)...i still love singing, just that i have lots and lots to improve and work on and hopefully will be better during the finals!Yea, so if ure reading this..i take it as ure going to watch ar!!haha...wat are friends for?!!!... As if going through the competition wasnt nerve-racking enough..John, ryan and I rushed down to Kallang right after the results to watch the Singapore vs Msia showdown!! Ive never watched a soccer match at Kallang before, in fact ive never watched professional football live at stadium before!!haha...Reaching at 615, having to sit there and wait there for another 1hr + was just too much for me!But what to do..finally the match started and we cheered NON-STOP, from chants to cheers, from cheers to jeers..and of curz the KALLANG WAVE!!(it was KRAZY!!) All this thanx to a group of authentic DIE-HARD FANS, whom if u didnt know, u might just mistake them for some Ma-ma shop owner!! This garang malay uncles, who brought their entire family down..led the Kallang waves and the cheers...shouting at the top of their lungs!!the match was great(we fought well!!though still quite gay), but the atmosphere was incomparable..haha..even though we had to brave the rain at some time..i totally enjoyed the experience and am glad that there are really some true Singapore Soccer fans out there..."pi pi, pi pi pi, pi pi pi pi...PUTOH!!"haha 3:01 PMTuesday, January 23, 2007![]() Go Red Lions GO!! Was pretty excited about watching Singapore vs Msia match today...initially i thought of just forgetting about it curz chances if it being a boring match was pretty high!!didnt wana spoil my mood and expectations of the Red Lions before i see them live this coming sat at Kallang!! Well, i was right after all as the match was filled with poor plays and amatuerish build ups...only a TYCO shot from Msia manage to break the dead lock..haiz, its not like they are good but Singapore was just GAY!! yea..luckily they scored after all, giving them the hope to just be able to oust Msia out of the CUP!!which i think they would since im going down to lend my Support!!haha...they call themselves DIE HARD FANS...but when the camara showed the singapore supporters there at the msia stadium?i think my school canteen probably had more people during lunch time than that!! haha...hopefully sat will be good!! Im gonna be in RED!!....maybe i'll just wear a red trunks!!hehe... 10:48 PMSunday, January 21, 2007Sunday aFTERNoons can be boring, sad, and wasteful! Having completed my practice session with john n ryan, i told em and myself i'd to get home to get my work done! Pretty serious about it initially, until i switched on the TV...was channel flipping, when i saw Keanu Reeves(is that how u spell his name?) the last time i saw his movie was in LakeHouse(it was great) So i thought i'd try watching it-Sweet November(anyone watched it also?)...about the girl who has cancer living her life to the fullest and falling in love with a guy each month, until she met Keanu Reeves..sad ending but it sure did reminded me not to waste life and not to waste time!Watching such movies can be pretty enjoyable, curz i learn alot and appreciate things more...and if you try hard enough, sometimes even the sky can seem blue-er, the moon rounder and the colours brighter!ha..(wassup wif all that!!)But seriously, Jav and ryan both complained to me that 'They are bored(sian)!' ...and when jav told me that 'life is getting boring' i asked him how he defined EXCITING!? Sometimes you dont have to do alot, to feel like you're having fun! Just enjoy the simplest thing and that may be all!! hA, guessed i watched too much Emotional movies huh?!haha...oh well, one thing is true though...Dont waste your life!... 3:35 PMWednesday, January 17, 2007So up til now, its still raining pretty often..but ive since learnt to read the weather patterns(ie. if u wake up seeing a bright blue sky wif min clouds, it'll be an entire hot sunny day). And was lucky enough to have a sunny weather today curz im suppose to play tennis! yea, my new found interest.Ive always wanted to learn, but never really got the chance. Since i officially started learning from my 'coach'-Caryn last week, ive almost mastered the strokes and just today-serving!!haha..prodigy huh?!! But learning tennis is actually quite tough because its logic is very different from basketball, soccer and badminton..sports which ive grown up playing! So it took me quite awhile to get use to it.. Recently, ive began to realise that the best teachers are the ones that are the most proud and full of themselves. And im glad i have 2 of them, my Marketing and effective Comm profs are both like that. Becoz they are so full of themselves, they keep sharing with us their experience telling us how diverse and how experienced they are...and although its kinda a turn off but i actually learn alot from their experiences and stories..haha..good! 9:05 PMSunday, January 14, 2007For the past few days, its been grrrrr.....freezing cold, the weather. Haven felt so comfortable in Singapore before, its almost air-condition-like. But like a cold-blooded reptile, i feel lethargic without the sun!! Giving myself all sorts of reason to laze around at home, i even almost missed soccer yesterday. Weather's been changing, signs of global warming!! I wldnt say im an environmentalist but with channel 5 showing 'The day after Tomorrow' as well, cant help but come to think that earth may 'die' soon! Maybe like the dinosaurs, we'll all become extinct due to a sudden and massive change in temperature...and soon we'll be history and exhibits for the new dwellers of Earth..haha..12:07 PMWednesday, January 10, 2007School has officially started, and im not in the mood to mug yet although ive already seen ppl starting to work hard already!! Been enjoying the enjoyment of going to school without much stress, as tutorials only start proper next week..Been trying to get myself to exercise more often recently, curz i always think 1 looks better when he's healthy as well..so im concentrating on cutting the carbs and mutiplying the runs!! Impresario semis are just round the corner, and im glad finally we manage to meet up and came up with the song arrangements. This time round its much faster and more efficient as we all roughly know what to do already i guess. And im so so relieved that we're actually not doing a fast number, curz that's just so not me...haha, although we might still be venturing into that area if we get through to the finals..but im really more comfortable with a slow song. Ive never like fast songs, other than Mambo songs maybe haha!! I really do wana write somemore but im feeling really hungry...and i cant write when im hungry!!haha...had only breakfast today and its midnight already!!well, im going to bed and look forward to tml's breakfast haha... 11:48 PMSaturday, January 06, 2007Its the 2nd time where i had 2 class-outings falling on the same day! Met 4f at Kbox and had nights out wif S19!! haKbox was fun...enjoyed the big room which i think makes singing more pleasurable as you'll sound better....discovered that people like Hongjun, junjie can actually sing pretty well...pity they hadnt joined us for Kbox more often last time!!after Kbox, everyone seem to have so much to talk about that we decided to find a place to chat...but the moment we got down to it, everyone seem awkward and shy. Well, we manage to chat for awhile...so not bad. Was late(as usual) meeting S19, the girls brought us to Chong Qing steamboat(which i realise was mostly patronised by Ah-tiongs!!ha)food was average, had more fun laughing at the jokes and comical behaviour of the girls in my class(they're prob the funniest girls ive ever met!!im serious). After dinner(which toook us 2 hrs!!amazingly long!!), we went to MS for pool and to satisfy the girls' craving for arcade games. Once again proving that they are a bunch of crazy people...we attracted attention from all over the arcade with the unless screams(thanx to Siting)haha. If you still dont believe they're crazily fun, thanks to them even jay-walking can be fun!!haha...good job girls!!tk my hats-off... 10:27 PM![]() No, i did not have a Fight...thats how powerful the shot i blocked was!...its scary, how hard the impact was. Goal-keeping sure is a Hazardous job!! Last entry i was still 'groaning in pain' and here i am putting myself in such danger again. Though not the most spectacular, but today, pretty much everyone was at his best...concentrating solely on goalkeeping- i manage to concede only 2 goals frm all the matches...that is simply satisfying. Our slight friction against the outside teams, made the games more intense and our wins more important. 'Not that i wana be racist' has to be my quote of the day, as the other team tried to force their way into every game in the most childish ways i'll ever see. Sometimes i feel jame's way of celebrating is too arrogant, but if its against unfriendly teams i hope he does it more!!haha...as we kept winning and they kept arguing, we soon got sick of it and decided to leave at our prime!!haha...it was a day of great team plays and individual success! 9:50 PMWednesday, January 03, 2007mY NAme is Eugene Lee, My Name is Eugene Lee...stupid as it is, thats what i did when i suffered quite a serious concussion yrs back(when i fell and hit the back of my head!!ouch!!) it was dumb, i was bathing in the toilet...had a feeling close to that days ago..Had an bad feeling the night before we played soccer on 1st Jan, keep thinking if the 1st thing i do for 2007 shld be playing soccer...everything was fine and we all played well against the younger opponents. Not until the last match, was dribbling fast...too fast..went out of control and WHam bHaM hit my face hard on the other guy's head. Impact was super hard...on the side of my nose. Lyk in comics, i was seeing stars!! Groaning in pain, i was down right away...i couldnt see properly and my eyes were in pain...haiz, next thing i know i had blood trickling down my nose(not alot though)...it was so bad, i was afraid i wld pass out...guess i really dont know when to stop curz i continued playin..ha was and still am in pain though its better already...that day i went back home to rest, i was afraid i would sleep and never wake up!!!haha...they say evrytime you hit yourself or someone hits you thousands of skin cells would die...if the same applies for brain cells, then i think i could be smarter(if not for the hard knocks on my head!)ha...think so??hehe 9:44 PMprofileName:Eugene Lee Age:25 Sex:Male Hobbies:Soccer/Basketball/Singing/Travelling style
archivesBy post:The Christmas holiday was spent baking with ZL...... Its the time of the year again...christmas!!My fav... I need a break from Work!!! its a short weekend this week, and it only means a... Finally got some time to sit down and write here..... THe heat has been grossly unfriendly these days...... Spent 32 bucks for a night with the ghosts and th... Ever since early this year, i havent been listenin... Those were the days...me the fat boy with uncle As... Its interesting how birthdays evolve over the year... By month: February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 tagSHOUT OUT HERE! giftsGifts Siftg |