Welcome,to a page of my lifefashion “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”....Winston Churchill |
Monday, March 31, 2008Wahoo is still on the loose...well, so is Mas Selamat, and look what ive found....![]() haha...... Its the time of the sem, to mug n mug n mug...suddenly, ive nothing to look forward to, nothing to blog abt...and everyday i just sit in front of my books.......argh... 10:51 PMThursday, March 27, 2008![]() Not that im not aware of the fact that...for sure it cant be ZERO everything.haha...but its a good source of caffiene, as i try to build up my resistance against slpg too much with the exams soon(2 weeks??argh....what am i doin here???)....so yea,indulge and turn-a-blindeye to the negatives...hehe 11:55 AMTuesday, March 25, 2008![]() The top 7 treated us...must have cost them a bomb!!haha...didnt really have to thank us so much(in money terms!)haha..but yea, appreciate it. We had a good time chatting and taking photos like friends who hadnt met for 5 yrs(i bet the waiters must be thinking we're weird people)...haha, well impre is over (apart from some more cavassing!!)...it was fun, for sure...being a believer of fate, this has to be 'pre-planned' for me-to have so many 'already-known' friends inside....marvin, jean,kaixiang,chengyao,rowena,chenyang....some of which ive known since sec1!! For someone who never believed in joinin CCA in UNI to begin with, im really glad i did...and even more glad that it cant be at a better time...hehe ok.....going back to my books for now... 8:04 PMSaturday, March 15, 2008Let me try and do a 'post mortem' for you(may not be all right but we'll c)... #1-There are 2 wahoos....1)wahoo + 2)wahoo!! >>>so wahoo(s) works in a grp, 2 people 1 identity...sounds like a couple to me!!haha #2-Wahoo!! is a girl! >>> quote: 'wahoo!!: i am 美女 la. *blush* ah boon so money face ah!' >>>no guy in the right mind wld call himself a mei nu..well maybe the 2 most likely person who loves to act gay(CB + Steven) wld...but both pass the "Are you wahoo test" well...besides, CB is trying to break the wahoo code himself... #3-Wahoo cant act!! >>>With thanks to 'surveillance camaras' all around you, mr wahoo...you were caught grinning to urself the moment u heard the sacred name....Wahoo #4-tsk tsk tsk,guilty concious huh!!! >>>quote:'13 Mar 08, 21:20wahoo: how's your impresario main comm meeting? broke the code?' >>>this is prob the best move from you so far...tryin hard to prove that you're not from Impre main comm huh!!!either that or tt you're not @ the meeting urself... >>>having heard us whisper abt breaking the code...desperate to try and proof ur innocence you borrowed someone else's laptop to leave a tag,to proof ure absence @ our meeting >>>but shld i say this is where you gave away ure identity!!! 1)if ure not a main comm...who noes whens impre meeting!!???---so u are a main comm 2)if ure not at the meeting...u wun ask me hows the meeting @ 920pm, becoz meetings dun usually end tt early!!---so u are @ meeting 3)u cant be marvin, chengyao, steven....all of which carrying laptops to meeting...becoz then it would be too easy for us to guess who are u(and thts not wat u want!)...instead, you are only trying to mislead us...haha gd move!!---marvin n steven packed their laptops right after meeting...so u prob used chengyao's laptop up to here...its pretty obvious who we've narrowed down the suspects to....and we're only down to one!!..... ..... ..... ..... .... mr wahoo =........mr Gavin!!!(right?right?dun hide alr k!!) no prizes for guessing whos ms wahoo!! den..haha... so finally....we've broken the Wahoo code!! i hope its right...it has to be right...if we're right,cannot deny k..ha... *all images, names, codes that appeared are all in the name of fun!! No personal attacks were intended..haha...hope tt was fun!! 1:34 AMSunday, March 09, 2008![]() Are there 2 Wahoos?or is he/she just trying to confuse us... This Summer, breaking The Wahoo Code is probably the most exciting event after the lost of Mas Selamat!!! Who ? Can break the Wahoo Code... One things for sure....mr Wahoo!!You can Run, But you cannot HIde...... *......coming to a theartre near you 9:43 PMIts been a great Weekend for me...obviously slacking away Again!! and not studying even though the exams is wooooo.....scarily near!!ha it all started with TGL @ Holland V....had dinner @ Sushi tei(which was nice, green tea's free flow..haha)without fail, we created a din once we stepped into the restaurant, spoiling the nice quiet ambience immediately...if not for their friendly waitress of whom i recognised as an ex-Rvian...they would probably have chased us out for constantly asking em to adjust the aircon temp..haha...but food was good!! next stop was Cold Rock...where we had ice cream made sorta like Rojak StYLE....haha, well...curz u can add mixers to ya ice creams...things like roche, Nerds, gummie bEars..yea...obvioiusly sinful!!not for the health-concious...... aNd whats a Night-out w/o some BeER...Ha, found a table @ Wala Wala and had a nice chat with the girls...so yea, we'll c whats next in line for our outing!! ![]() 3:21 PMMonday, March 03, 2008ImpreSario has come to a close, and a rather sweet one i would say...the stress, shagness was a hell of an experience...but it the satisfaction......incomparable!!ha, no summary for you today...it shld come soon...but i just wana share the most impt lesson i got from IMpresario 2008!!As we left Mediacorp, i asked CB what was his defining moment of the night...he said the moment he cleared the logistics(which he was in charge of)...that made his night! He asked me back the same qns...and mine...... was the moment i heard the first and slightest hint of laughter from the 600 odd audiences while they watch our Spoof vIdeo!! For a moment i forgot my duties and enjoyed myself in that little episode of sweet success.....Success not by me, but with Jean, CB and all those who had a hand in it.... Having minimal support technically and maybe morally to begin with... for whatever reason, we had a tough tough time putting it all together...from our initial failure...til the last week before the finals....many were unsure, some inconfident that it would be a hit....and the fact that we couldnt get the final product done til the last few days didnt help as well....with no disrespect to anyone, more often than not...our item was seen as redundant....haha..but we kept the faith. But all doubts were cast aside, all worries blown away...when audiences had a good laugh and feedback was good... Perserverance paid off...faith was well kept...it was a good 4 days or so that we spent fooling around in front of the camera...haha...so yea, credits to Jean( hey...told u we can do it!!this entry is for u too...ha), CB(ure a natural actor la..we did it!!), JiJi(or is it Gigi?!ha sry,cant do it w/o u),weilong,kenny....and everyone else who helped! 9:55 PMprofileName:Eugene Lee Age:25 Sex:Male Hobbies:Soccer/Basketball/Singing/Travelling style
archivesBy post:The Christmas holiday was spent baking with ZL...... Its the time of the year again...christmas!!My fav... I need a break from Work!!! its a short weekend this week, and it only means a... Finally got some time to sit down and write here..... THe heat has been grossly unfriendly these days...... Spent 32 bucks for a night with the ghosts and th... Ever since early this year, i havent been listenin... Those were the days...me the fat boy with uncle As... Its interesting how birthdays evolve over the year... By month: February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 tagSHOUT OUT HERE! giftsGifts Siftg |